
Conformed to His Image Bible Verse

You’re a photocopy of your father. I hear that a lot when I see my parents’ friends for the first time. That’s a compliment because it confirmed that I’m my father’s child. Even until now, I don’t see how I resemble my father, but others see it differently.

Similarly, believers are called to be conformed to God’s image. We are God’s children and so how we live and act should reflect God.

This is an important doctrine because ultimately, we are created to glorify him. This is our purpose as believers of Jesus Christ: glorifying God. So what does it really mean? What does the bible have to say about it?

Before we dig deep into this topic, let’s back up and first discuss what the image of God is.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the meaning of the image of God?
  2. What does it mean to be conformed to his image?
  3. How can we be conformed to his image?
  4. What are some ways God works to conform believers to the image of His Son?

What is the meaning of the image of God?

The God of the bible has so many attributes that fleshing them out could take a whole new article. But I remember the big words used as God’s attributes in a discipleship textbook: omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (he is everywhere), immutable (never-changing), and infinite (without beginning).

These above characters are true of God, but in the Christian view, these are not what God expects us to be – these traits precisely make God God – a spiritual being who’s all-powerful.

So if not these supernatural traits, which image does God want us to imitate? The bible gives a very real example that is easier to understand in the apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians explaining about Jesus’ preeminence:

Col 1:15: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

In other words, if we want to see what we can emulate, there’s no better example than Jesus – God reincarnate who lived a sinless life.

lion lamb God image
We are called to be conformed to God’s image

What does it mean to be conformed to his image?

Looking at Jesus’ life, we get a much better view of the image of God that he took. He was a loving, spiritual and relational man who gave his life so that others can live.

The four gospels gave an account of how much Jesus loved others. He went from city to city healing a lot of men and women, many of those who are marginalized and hopeless. He loved many and did not judge their past. This can be seen in the lives of his apostles.

Jesus also suffered on the cross and died for us so that we can live. He was a man who regarded others as more important than him. He had compassion for them but did not seek approval for men.

On the contrary, he did many culturally controversial acts: he ate with sinners, healed on a Sabbath, and championed for women. He loved everyone, but he was only interested in doing God’s will.

Jesus loving child girl
Jesus has a loving and compassionate heart towards everyone

Jesus lived a spiritual life dependent on God. He often went to pray and he prioritized spending time with God, despite the many blessings he could give to others. Matthew 14:23 recorded that Jesus went to the mountain to be alone with God. Mark 1:35 tells how Jesus rose early, went to a solitary place, and spent time with God. 

Shortly before he was crucified, Jesus went to pray in Gethsemane and poured his heart out to God – how he wished for the crucifixion to pass, but ultimately, he will do God’s will.

Jesus spent time praying alone, but he loved and lived in a community. He called his followers to follow him and they lived together for several years. We are relational beings and we thrive when we are part of a community. We’re the product of our relationships and we need others to walk in our lives.

Jesus was also holy. 2 Cor 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

What does the image and likeness of God mean? It means living a life in the footsteps of Jesus: loving, spiritual, relational, and holy. We are called to love others, seek God and have meaningful relationships.

How can we be conformed to his image?

Now that we know what kind of life we’re called to live, what can we do to get there? Is that something that God does on his own, or is there anything that we can do on our part?

The apostle Paul gives us a clue on the second book of Corinthians:

2 Cor 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

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We transform by beholding the glory of the Lord

From this verse, we know that we are transformed into God’s image when we behold the glory of the Lord. Beholding means looking intently and studying something. Not just a glimpse, not just a short look, but deep knowledge. Paul says that beholding Jesus and studying his glory will transform us.

And the last sentence: this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit and makes it clear that the transformation came from God, not from ourselves. It doesn’t come from our willpower, discipline, or gritting of our teeth.

We can put ourselves into a place to behold God, but ultimately the Holy Spirit will work to transform us. Our participation is important and we need to be willing to be transformed, but God will help us.

God doesn’t stop at helping us. In Romans 8, the apostle Paul wrote that God predestined us to be conformed to his image:

Romans 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

So it’s a promise that if we believe in God, we WILL be changed. God will change our essence into Christ’s likeness. It is something that is predestined – fixed and will be done. This verse is comforting because we have a guarantee that our transformation has been decided. It’s not dependant on our past or current performance. It doesn’t matter if we’ve utterly failed in life or in overcoming our vices. God predestined us to be like Christ.

What are some ways God works to conform believers to the image of His Son?

The Holy Spirit works to bring about this transformation in many ways. He may open our eyes through our experiences in life and point us to God’s truth. In our dark times, he may nudge us to seek God and anchor our hope in him.

God's word truth wisdom Bible
God’s truth is a source of wisdom

He may also speak when we’re stumbling or in a failure. He can reveal God’s ultimate goodness when other things fail in our lives.

He can also move the hearts of our brothers and sisters and other believers to speak to us in truth when we need it. The Holy Spirit also encourages us to seek God in prayer and the scripture.

With the help of God and by studying and savoring Jesus, let us be willing and intentional in conforming ourselves in his image. Let’s prioritize spending time with God so that the world can see God’s glory through our lives.

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